英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


Leighton Park School





雷頓帕克中學(雷頓帕克學校)Leighton Park School校園在Leighton Park內,占地六十畝。該處有鐵路連接大城市倫敦,在校門外更有直達倫敦的巴士,在校門處便可乘搭,交通非常方便。校內總共有學生大約435人,年齡由1118歲。

該校教師質素優良,教學經驗豐富。為方便老師照顧每一個學員,該校的師生比例較低。每班人數保持在20人以下,而A-Level 課程每班人數只有512人。課程生動有趣,教師常帶領學生進行野外學習及考察。另外,為了讓學生對自己的學業進度更了解,各科教師每隔四周便會對學生作出一次評核。同時,校方又提供了英語強化班給海外的學生,讓他們能夠打好英文基礎。









A Level Results

  • Students have achieved a pass rate of 97%.

  • 42% of all passes were grade A.

  • 66% of all passes were grades A or B (2004: 63%).

  • 82% of all passes were grades A - C.

  • Twelve students (more than one student in five) achieved three or more A grades.

  • For the seventh consecutive year, students achieved an average of over three A level passes each.

GCSE Results

  • 95% of pupils achieved five or more passes at grades A*-C.

  • 90% of all passes were at grade C or above.

  • 35% of all grades were A*/A.

  • Pupils achieved an average of over 9 passes each.

For the academic year 2008/9 the fees for each term are:

寄宿加學費:  £9910/學期



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